Script Development
Developing new writing is at the heart of what we do. If you're a writer who would like our help developing your script, there are two pathways that we offer.
1. If you're interested in working with us on your script (or idea for a script), whether that is for a rehearsed reading, R&D, full performance or any other work produced by us, send us a synopsis (and if possible a sample of your work) to foresttheatrecompany@gmail.com with the subject line Pitching a Play. We will happily read pitches for work in any stage of its life, from the first beginnings of an idea to a full script. We are especially keen to hear from female and non-binary playwrights, particularly those from backgrounds currently underrepresented in the theatre industry, but this is not essential.
2. If you would like to use our dramaturgy services only, we can offer a complete reading of your script by at least 2 of our team, with a consultation either face to face or over Zoom where we offer detailed feedback and advice on taking the work further.This service is available for scripts of any kind, including those not classed as new writing, such as updates or translations of existing plays, and is priced at £30 for an initial script and £15 for each additional script.

Why choose Forest Theatre Company?
Jess Frieze has an honours degree in English Literature from Durham University, a Masters in Theatre Directing from East 15 and years of experience directing every stage of script development, from rehearsed readings, to research and development, to production.
Dr Emily Garside has a PhD in Theatre Studies, as well as training from RADA and in Montreal. She has worked as a script consultant with London Playwrights for four years, as a tutor on creative writing courses at Bishopsgate Institute and as a Literary Assistant at the Young Vic, amongst many others.
Olivia Burgin has a first class degree in English Literature from University College London and many years of experience working in production across theatre and television. She brings invaluable creative and practical expertise to new writers, especially in advising them on getting their work from page to stage.
As Forest Theatre Company, we are able to work together to use our tried-and-tested model of script development to take a new play from idea to fully fledged production.